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To promote American Zen Buddhism

Through an understanding of its legendary founder,



The Legend of Bodhidharma was written by Hal Stanton, who over the course of nearly half a century has collected Bodhidharma artwork in various forms including sculptures, paintings, prints, toys, and other objects. It has been his dream to tell the story of Bodhidharma's journey using that artwork in a visual medium.

In 2005, Hal began discussing the idea with his long time friend, associate and producer Tom Rincker, with whom he had been involved in a number of creative projects. They decided to co-produce a high definition video documentary to tell Bodhidharma's story in a unique and educational way. The next step, where to get the funding?

Hal turned to his long time friend and collegue Norman Oberstein, who with Norman Marcus are directors of the Fredrick Lenz Foundation for American Buddhism. What resulted was a grant to commence production on the half hour documentary film. The project was set in motion. NEXT, Let's Make a Movie.



The Legend of

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Learn about the production and see the trailer.
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The Movie Debut at The Lenz Foundation Leadership Conference
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